For Volunteers
Resources for Lincoln Heritage Council Volunteers

Adult Leader Trainings
Training resources for adult cub scout, boy scout, venturer leaders.
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The Boy Scouts of America has established the following guidelines for its members’ participation in camping activities.
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Den Meetings
Cub Scouting’s volunteer leaders work with boys and their families to improve their communities by enriching the lives of the families who live there. Cub Scout leaders support the family. They take an active part in helping to strengthen families and their boys by providing a fun-filled, worthwhile program that teaches values.
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District & Council Adult Recognition
Awards given to adult leaders and volunteers recognized by the District or Council.
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Join Scouting
By registering your child in a Scouting program, he or she will have a lot of fun – while being challenged to develop leadership skills in an environment that stresses the importance of moral and ethical behavior.
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Stop Bullying
The safety of your scout is the number one priority of the BSA. The BSA Youth Protection Guidelines and barriers to abuse are proven to keep young people safe in Scouting. Every Scout, parent, and volunteer, should be protected from bullying, harassment, improper touching and all other negative behaviors. No one should be threatened, harassed or abused, either verbally or physically in any way. Everyone in Scouting is expected to act in accordance with the Scout Oath & Law at all times.
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Troop Meetings
While Scouting is for boys and girls, it is under the guidance of adults. The adults control 100% of the direction of the troop. It is their responsibility to develop a youth-run program. This may seem complicated but it really isn’t. Guidance, vigilance from a distance, patience, understanding the youth’s point of view, trust in your skills as a trained leader, trust in the Scouting program as it was designed by the BSA, and trust in the youth themselves, are the 7 keys for adults helping to foster a youth-led troop.
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Thank you for your interest in contacting the Boy Scouts of America. Lincoln Heritage Council helps chartered organizations in its geographic area effectively use the Scouting program and to expand the use of the program to other community groups.
Thank you for your interest in contacting the Boy Scouts of America. Lincoln Heritage Council helps chartered organizations in its geographic area effectively use the Scouting program and to expand the use of the program to other community groups.