Summit Bechtel Reserve
July 22-31, 2026
The National Jamboree is a gathering, or jamboree, of thousands of members of Scouts, usually held every four years and organized by the National Council of Scouting America.
The next edition of the greatest show in Scouting, the National Jamboree, will take place July 22 – 31, 2026 at the Summit Bechtel Reserve in West Virginia. There is nothing on earth like the Jamboree. For many, it will be the pinnacle of their Scouting experience. Our Council will be sending individual male and female Troops to the Jamboree. Located within a five hour drive of Louisville, a day trip to visit their participating sons & daughters will be a possibility for many Jamboree families.
Participant Fee = $ 2,250
The Jamboree Fee includes the 10 day Jamboree experience, round-trip transportation, Jamboree themed T-shirts & Hat, duffle bag, day pack, training weekend event and LHC Jamboree Patch Set.
Youth Participants – Reserve your Jamboree spot by completing the interest form and submitting with your deposit of $ 250 to the Scout office. Note: Limited Campership support will be available for deserving Scouts.
Contingent Leaders, Committee Chairs and Jamboree Staff adult positions are open. If you are interested in serving in one of these areas please complete and submit the interest form. No deposit require unless selected and confirmed by the Jamboree Committee.
Questions ? Please contact Lynn Granger at or 502-262-6456.